


Building on the work covered in the Modelling unit, students are encouraged to take their spreadsheet skills to another level. Students start by revising simple spreadsheet formulae and graph drawing. Further useful functions are introduced and students will learn how to embed a graph from a spreadsheet into a word processed document. Student then learn the concepts of conditional formatting and use these new skills to develop a spreadsheet for a purpose. They then move into the modern, trendy world of the 'infographic' by analysing existing graphics and creating their own for a concert and finally, they produce and write-up a selection of products based on the work they have done for assessment.

Lesson by lesson key content

Indicative content
1 Revise formulae; revise how to complete a model; practise using COUNT, COUNTA and IF functions. Booking for a family event spreadsheet.
2 Revise graphs; draw graphs and charts from given data; embedding and linking graphs and charts. Conditional formatting.
3 Conditional formatting : creating spreadsheet pixel art; design and build a spreadsheet model to save costs. Researching infographics.
4 Introducing infographics; select and interpret data to produce an infographic. There is no homework for this lesson.
5 Tour Task 3 : keeping track of payments. There is no homework for this lesson.
6 Introduction section write up; design section write up; building the spreadsheet and infographic write up; self-assessment section write up; evaluation section write up. HTML/webpage research.

Computing curriculum content

  • Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users;
  • Create, reuse, revise and repurpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability.

Literacy curriculum content

  • Learning new vocabulary, relating it explicitly to known vocabulary and understanding it with the help of context;
  • Making inferences and referring to evidence in the text;
  • Knowing the purpose, audience for and context of the writing and drawing on this knowledge to support comprehension;
  • Writing for a wide range of purposes and audiences, including notes.

Numeracy curriculum content

  • Use algebra to generalise the structure of arithmetic, including to formulate mathematical relationships;
  • Model situations or procedures by translating them into algebraic expressions or formulae and by using graphs;
  • Use scale factors, scale diagrams and maps.