Website Coding

Website Coding


In this unit, students build on the web programming unit they covered last year through revision of basic webpage design and styling through development of a complete, functioning static website using inline and external style sheets, hyperlinks, images and colour schemes. Finally, students produce a report for assessment using compressed folders, an online platform and a written report.

Lesson by lesson key content

Indicative content
1 Revise the structure of webpages; revise how to code web pages; produce a web page based on a design. There is no homework for this lesson.
2 Learn how to insert and style images; insert and style images to improve a web page; create hyperlinks to navigate a multi-page site. Collecting images for a personal website.
3 Create a fully working website using HTML, inline styles, hyperlinks and images; providing feedback to another pupil. Completing a modelling spreadsheet.
4 Apply a number of changes to the inline styles of a multi-page website; apply a number of changes to the cascading style sheet of a multi-page website; produce your own styles in a style sheet and use other pupils’ styles. Applying styles.
5 Challenge: Create a website to promote your application. There is no homework for this lesson.
6 Produce an end of scheme report. There is no homework for this lesson.

Computing curriculum content

  • Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users;
  • Create, reuse, revise and repurpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability.

Literacy curriculum content

  • Learning new vocabulary, relating it explicitly to known vocabulary and understanding it with the help of context and dictionaries;
  • Writing for a wide range of purposes and audiences, including notes;
  • Summarising and organising material, and supporting ideas and arguments with any necessary factual detail.

Numeracy curriculum content

  • None in this unit.